“In Chaos Theory, The Butterfly Effect essentially illustrates a field of possibilities; where small changes in seemingly insignificant and unassociated systems affect larger, more complex systems. Not only do they affect larger systems, but they dramatically influence the trajectory of their evolution. The contexts of our current social, emotional, and environmental landscapes provide insight about our inner worlds. Personally and collectively, not only do we want to see change, but we want to embody the power to influence change. We are Butterflies.”

Emily Roan is a Visual Artist inspired by paradox, metamorphosis, and “The Butterfly Effect.” Roan’s work embodies abstraction as a language that communicates subtler, invisible spaces. These spaces she creates form a bridge between opposites such as chaos and pattern, time and infinity, as well as measurement and potential. With an emphasis on metamorphosis as a symbol that connects the physical and non-physical, she is focused on de-stigmatizing mental illness and embracing trauma or uncertainty as personal and collective fuel for transformation.

Emily Roan received her BA in Fine Arts with a concentration in Drawing from Colorado State University in 2015. She has exhibited her collection of paintings, sculptural drawings, and installations in Solo and Group Exhibitions, as well as Non-Profit Events, and also received an Award of Excellence at 40 West Arts in Denver.